We are a little late but didn't want to miss linking up with everyone!
Do these look like postcards? Well they're not!!!!!! One of us was lucky enough to go to Maui this summer for 10 days! It was amazing and beautiful... so hard to come home!
We have been looking literally forever for 15 minute timers for our Daily 5 rotations!!! These are great visual reminders for our kiddos as they are building stamina and learning to work independently. Click on the picture to grab some for yourself!
We've always wanted to get Whisper Phones for our Read to Self station but didn't love the price tag!!!! So we decided to get a lil' crafty and were able to make 25 for less than $20!!!!!!!! We bought all the supplies at Lowe's (pvc pipes) and they even cut them for us for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It literally took less than an hour to put them all together. We found the tutorial from Teacherific in Second Grade. Click on the picture to check out her site!
We just reached a mini-milestone (for us!) on TPT! We have over 100 followers and are so thankful for each and every one of them! To say thank you, we have created 2 FREEBIES that you can only grab here! We created some listening center response sheets for Kindergarten and First grade. There are lots of choices and hopefully they will be helpful to you are your kiddos! Click on the pictures to download the files!
These pages are perfect for First and Second Graders!
These pages are perfect for Pre-K and Kindergarten!
We hope you are all having an amazing summer!

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